- what is the max no of devices in FC AL ? y is the limit ?
Each device has an Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (AL_PA). These addresses are defined by an 8-bit field but must have neutral disparity as defined in the 8B/10B coding scheme. That reduces the number of possible values from 256 to 134. The 134 possible values have been divided between the fabric, FC_AL ports, and other special purposes as follows:
AL_PA Quantity Purpose 00 1 FL (fabric) port 01-7E 126 NL (normal) ports F0 1 Used during LIP and ARB F7 1 Used during LIP F8 1 Used during LIP F9-FE 3 Reserved FF 1 Used for broadcasts
- watz meant by private and public loop members ?
- how iz the limit of 2^24 nodes is calculated in fabric ???
- where do u use WWNN ?
- wat is EDGE switch ?
- what are the bits of WWN are used to identify the vendors ??
- wats heterogeneous fabric ?
- wat are the switches support interacting with other vendor in fabrics ?
- wat do u mean by trunking in FC switch and why is it necessary ?
- can a domain be same for more than one switch ?
- do u think it is equivalent to E or ISL port, then go more in detail for the answer...
- watz the diff b/w FC HUB and FC switch
- watz the adv in hub over switch ?
- how does hub handles port failure ?
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